
Summer in Dortmund

Getreideernte in Dortmund

July is coming to an end and despite full-bodied promises I still haven’t taken any aerial photos.

That means, despite the prevailing temperatures, I have to go out into the countryside and fly a kite in weak winds and take a few pictures. Maybe the wind is not so bad and I am just spoiled by the Fanø conditions, as I have been all these years.

The first stop on Sunday is the Dortmund-Ems Kanal near Schwieringhausen. As the wind is actually quite weak, I have to use my Havlicek-Delta. But it only gets a light tail to prevent the tendency to overfly and flies on a thin Kevlar line. The KAP equipment is the same as almost always: Minimal RIG with Canon S110 on the pendulum.

Ein Sommertag am Kanal, Dortmund-Ems-Kanal mit Brücke, im Hintergrund die neu gestaltete Halde Groppenbruch
Dortmund-Ems Kanal with bridge, in the background the newly designed Groppenbruch slag heap

In the following week we continue to have fairly stable wind conditions and so I can visit more locations.

On a bicycle tour I had seen that the fields in Holthausen were already being harvested, quite early this year. Here, with the delta and a lot of patience, I manage to take some beautiful pictures.

In the summertime, Strohballen auf einem Feld in Holthausen
Straw bales on a field in Holthausen

One day later, I drive to the Deusenberg, a former rubbish dump in Deusen, which has been greened and accessible for a few years and has been upgraded with a mountain bike trail and solar park. I’ve been there many times before, but despite the somewhat cloudy sky I want to try again.

Auf dem Deusenberg: Mountainbikestrecke und Solarpark
MTB trail and solar park on the former landfill site


Auf dem Deusenberg: Solarpark vor der Kulisse der Dortmunder City
Solar park against the backdrop of Dortmund city centre

At the moment I can’t think about kite flying because of the temperatures, which are 33°C and more. If the wind conditions allow it, I will try again in the next days.


Translated with DeepL

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